Brook Bishop teaches us how to Coach the Coaches

11 months ago

Brook Bishop has had the privilege to work with the biggest names in Personal Development; from the largest Real Estate Coaching company in the world (Buffini and Company) as their Director of Sales, to working alongside Tony Robbins for 15 years as his Executive of Business Solutions. In addition, Brook has partnered and supported the Chiropractic community with Dr Timothy Gay, Dr. James Sigafoose and Dr Reggie Gold.

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About Brook Bishop: 

Brook Bishop has 20+ years in the business of Personal Development and human elevation. Brooks experience spans Business Consulting, Practice Management, Personal and Business Coaching, Live Events, and Product Development/Launches.

Brook has had the privilege to work with the biggest names in Personal Development; from the largest Real Estate Coaching company in the world (Buffini and Company) as their Director of Sales, to working alongside Tony Robbins for 15 years as his Executive of Business Solutions. In addition, Brook has partnered and supported the Chiropractic community with Dr Timothy Gay, Dr. James Sigafoose and Dr Reggie Gold.

In the world of Coaching Brook has worked with over 50,000 individual coaching clients from every walk of life in virtually every country on Earth. He’s created coaching training, corporate coaching programs, and coaching sales strategies from his vast experience and coaching studies.

In his personal life Brook is a “Rogue-Maverick”. Known to break the mold and consistently think outside the box. He’s always pushing the edge with crazy fitness and diet routines. He has a loving and passionate marriage of 10 years with his beautiful wife Rain and their 3 children. Their approach to parenting is anything but conventional. They abide by what they call “Passionate Parenting”. They teach their children through their passions—through traveling the world, survival skills, exposing them to a variety of cultures and religions and encouraging them to think outside the box in all areas of life.

What we Discussed:
- Who is Brook Bishop (1:30 mins)
- What Charties and why they Support them (3 min)

- Passionate Parenting (5 :30 mins)

- How his Company Empire Partners was formed (11 mins)

- Coaching Organisations Industry (15 mins)

- The Coach not understanding Marketing (19 mins)

- Why Franchises arre more Successful (21 mins)

- Limiting beliefs( 22 mins)

- How Coaches reduce Flake Rates (23 mins)

- Coach conversions (25 mins)

- Spamy Coaching Discovery Calls (29 mins)

- How long should the discovery call be and what to do with people that you know do not have the funds (31:30 mins)

- Paid Vs Organic Marketing (34 mins)

- Should you pay for Referrals (38 mins)

- Ensure you pay your affiliates (40:30 mins)

- The Importance of Integrity (42 mins)

- You Do Not have to Sell Your Soul to Sell our Services (44 mins)

- Their book 'Coaching Equation' (47 mins)

How to Contact Brook Bishop :

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Speaking Podcast Social Media / Coaching My Other Podcasts ⁠⁠

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