Heaviside Poynting Vector

10 months ago

Here I take some more time to explain the Heaviside and its relevance to the one wire system. I try to push an emphasis on using DC fields for both convenience and simplicity. This approach makes it as simple as using a Zamboni pile or even a crystal type or any type of galvanic using solid state electrolyte and non corrosive metals. Even electrets if you know how to build them. You can even use electrostatic generators to intermittently charge capacitor plates using very little input work to convert back into a powerful field. (watts) Something that can't be done in the reduced Maxwell 4 variables. But is very real, proven and even accepted. Just pushed under the rug along with Maxwell's rest of the 20 original variables. Because like Tom Bearden states, It's just not cool to be able to convert energy without having to be able to charge a price for it. So we underlook these methods today.

Another advantage of utilizing a pure DC field is no RFI issues or getting in trouble with the law in any way as you could with any kind of oscillator/transmitter spark gap etc..Accidentally.

And my final point is the great realization that we simply can engineer the watts we need by simply manipulating the input potentials and not closing the loop. Depending on trigger methods some need very little current to raise pure potentials. All we need folks. DC Pulsed Or AC it all more or less works the same. Don't close the loop and create a bunch of "dipoles" treat them like real antenna "dipoles" Capture and reflect that field! And the most important point. This all lines up with thermodynamic laws. We don't even need to make the claim we are "Breaking" rules. If you understand the original Maxwell variables. And most important keeping that loop open. Don't short out your capacitors! Unless of course it's part of the system such as a cap dump etc...

I'm about to turn off commenting on my videos. It seems like the majority of commenters are missing the point these days and just scrambling the legitimacy of my points. So expect future vids with comments off. Just take the information and do with it what you want without always trolling/correcting me. And I keep repeating the points like a broken record.

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