Chicago to Tulsa, Finding & Fostering Resilience through Food is Medicine.

10 months ago

This Movers & Shakers webinar will introduce you to a Gerontologist from Tulsa and a Social Entrepreneur from Chicago. Each one tackles local food systems and solutions very differently. Yet both find using food is medicine is building resilience in their people and their communities. Learn how urban resilience and resilient people may be one of the health outcomes of Food is Medicine programs in both cities.

Meet LaToyia Huggins, the Executive Director of Christmas in the Wards, Wards 365. She is a multi-faceted social entrepreneur and leader who works to build resilient communities and bridge systemic gaps through policy and programs. She also contributed to the national roll-out of Fresh HUBS parallel nutrition program for the Produce Alliance, LLC., as VP of Strategic Partnerships.

Learn from Erin Martin, the Director of FreshRx OK. Erin brings a distinct approach as a Gerontologist trained to focus on how illness affects the elderly, and how nutritious foods affect lifespan and chronic diseases. And Erin is also certified in Regenerative Soil Advocacy. She sources local, regeneratively grown produce to increase the nutritious content of the food improving health outcomes while supporting the local farm economy of North Tulsa.

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