Learning Crowdfunding And Passing On IndieGoGo For FundMyComic With Bryan Baugh & Nicky P

10 months ago

#ironage #indiecomics #writingcommunity

As we wrap up our conversation Bryan and I get into more of the logistics and changes from his 20+ years in publishing. Luckily for people interested in self-publishing the quality of services available to small creators has improved dramatically and stabilized considerably in that time period. There is always a little angst in opening that first box of product, wondering what minute imperfection you're going to have to live with, but is that all that will be wrong?

Since the production part of the process has improved, Bryan's real change has been learning the ropes of crowdfunding, which would have been handled in the past by a publisher. For Bryan, picking his crowdfund platform literally came down to the customer service he needed while learning. It was IndieGoGo's lack of customer service that led Bryan to choose FundMyComic for his crowdfunding campaign. Luke and the other staff did their best to help where needed but also created a platform that is easy enough to navigate on its face.

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