The Tumult Of Small Publishers And Deals Souring With Bryan Baugh & Nicky P

11 months ago

#ironage #indiecomics #writingcommunity

Diving deeper into Bryan's exit from his most recent publishing arrangement, we see that what some people dream about isn't always roses, even when we think it is. Even in the best of times, small publishers have a tendency to shut down. These aren't the best of times; now add that to the market, is a fickle mistress, and physical media goes out of vogue, and you've got a recipe for disappointment. An important factor to keep in mind is that relationships can change just as quickly. This all leads us to the conclusion that if you can make self-publishing work, you should.

We tried our best to be honest about this part of the interview, but Bryan is a very nice guy who didn't feel comfortable going into too much detail about the departure. Still, I think we captured enough of the event to be useful to other creators considering the small publisher route.

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