A Good Message! Attorney Todd Calendar Reporting Cabal is On the Run- Nuremberg 2 Anyone?

11 months ago

Attorney Todd Calendar, is a international Attorney who has been fighting for us this whole plandemic take over the world agenda. He has been helping military men and women as well.
He thinks that the elite global psychopaths trying to kill and control us are feeling We the People are not going to comply as easy as they thought.
His vision for us to also hold in our minds is a Tribunal prosecuting and punishing the criminals who perpertrated the crimes against us- deadly injections.
I sure wish he would reaize and report on the DEW attacks- recently a million acres in Texas. Why they are not is beyond me. It is a hot war attack clearly.
He thinks that the law France passed to jail and fine anyone who speaks out about the MNR vaccine and Canada is trying to pass a hate-speech- bill. The thinks these developments means Canada and France are desperate. I hope he is right. We the People must call out the criminals- every single one of our politicians/leaders who are not stopping the shots are going forward with more restrictions without the vote of the People.

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