How to Make Money Online: Modern Wealth Creation Methods - Andrew Tate

11 months ago

I sit here as a billionaire and I sit and say I will teach you how to make money online anybody ATM Modern Wealth Creation Methods I have everything you've ever fucking dreamed of I have all the money You have nothing and you're so arrogant that you believe you know more than me that you can do it without me or that I don't know how to teach you The arrogance of people is truly mind-bending If you know so much why broke You obviously don't know If I want to learn how to box I wouldn't walk into a boxing gym find a guy can box and go yeah you know not bad but can he really punch Like this is how people think when it comes to money you guys are all successful enough I have X You don't have it So do you want to learn how to play piano from the piano teacher or do you sit there as an arrogant brokie Most people are brutally arrogant and you can sit there and you can try and help them and they're just so arrogant They think oh I can do it myself or I'll work it out myself I don't need help and it's arrogance and it keeps them at the bottom Everything great that's happened to me in my life someone taught me I had a kickboxing coach My dad was my chess coach You get taught things To sit there and think you're too you're too good to learn Well this is the problem Most people are broke Most are broke because they're arrogant This is the truth It's nothing to do with how stupid they are just arrogant people When I was broke I couldn't sleep I don't know how there's broke people out here sleeping just fine at night

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