Generous Turtle Shares Watermelon Slice With Greedy Cats

6 years ago

An adorable video has emerged showing the wonderful moment of a hungry turtle sharing a watermelon slice with two greedy acts. These family cats are jealous of the turtle's watermelon feast and decide to sneak a taste. Check it out!

Footage shows a turtle pet sitting munching on a watermelon slice. Moments later, two sneaky cats approach the watermelon and start usurping turtle’s treat! Apparently they have some sharing issues and have a hard time dealing with the fact that they have to share the tasty snack with a turtle! What a nonsense situation!

At first sight, these two animal breeds seem to share an incredible bond since they are caught on tape sharing their food. Watch as this greedy cat snatches the watermelon slice out of turtle’s mouth, unable to control her greed. Clearly this cat has a serious problem sharing treats with his turtle friend. <a href="" target="_blank">Sharing is caring buddy</a>!

This cat is a turtle snack stealing professional and doesn’t know that sharing is caring. She lives by her own terms and doesn’t share food! Who knew that cats can be suckers for watermelon!

These pets seem to be more into vegetables as they performs a “Lady and the Tramp” moment on camera, but instead of spaghetti they use <a href="" target="_blank">watermelon</a> to recreate the famous romantic scene. Watching this cat sneak her way out to turtle’s mouth just to steal a watermelon piece out of it’s mouth we get the impression that this cat is green with envy and cannot help but steal his buddy’s lunch! Hilarious!

This adorable video depicts the funny moment when a sneaky cat gets too carried away when eating snacks together with a turtle, and steals a piece of watermelon out of turtle’s mouth! Incredible!

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