IRS Unlawful and Illegal Taxation - Aaron Russo vs Sheldon Cohen (Jew)

11 months ago

16th Amendment

Taxes are Voluntary!

Don’t forget that!


You pay income tax on your hard earned money, why isn't it called salary tax or wages tax?..... because that would breach slavery laws. As the video says Income is money earned on investments, not labour. The UK is the same, Legislation is CORPORATE law, and applies to Corporations and Legal Fictions. It was the advent of Birth Certificates in 1933 that made the people legal fiction, "chattel", corporate vessels and for all legislation everything comes under Contract Law and this must be done lawfully with no threat, deception, fear, fraud, and the contract must be wet signed in ink and with full informed consent. This clearly never happened as most people have no idea that their legal fiction aka "strawman" made them a corporation and this is why people foolishly go to magistrates courts and other corporate courts.

Taxation is a Jewish & Jesuit slavery system, and our birth certificates are given value by the world bank and traded on the stock exchange....we are all bonded slaves. Now you know why the mockingbird media and Godless and soulless politicians keep the "slavery" narrative alive. Divide and Conquer... wake up people...we are ALL bonded slaves as our Cestui Que Vie (CQV) Trusts hold high value and they are our trusts.

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