750+ Days behind bars Political Prisoners in Canada Freedom Truckers March 15, 2024

1 year ago

Shadow Chasing Show 14-3-2024 450 Days behind bars Freedom Truckers Convoys in Coutts Alberta Canada now are Political Prisoners for over 2Two & half years like warcrime criminals. narrated by Derrick Whiteskycloud - thank you Autonomous Truckers for your research & sharing the truth. Bill C63 Trudeau's NEW LAW LOSE FREEDOMS OF SPEECH & THOUGHTS past & present prosecuted HATE CRIME. Court proceedings for a number of those involved with the Coutts Freedom Convoy protest will be resuming soon; pre-trial hearings for Tony Olienick and Chris Carbert resume on March 18, and the trial of Marco Van Huigenbos, who had become the de-facto representative of the protesters at Coutts, and a number of his co-accused, get under way on April 2. Thankfully, my expatriated ass is no longer a prisoner of the Maple Gulag, and I can relay to you what I please from my sources in Alberta, who shall remain anonymous. He, along with Mr Van Herk and Mr Janzen, were charged with ‘mischief over $5000’ for their participation in those protests. Like the Coutts Four men, they were merely exercising their right to protest in standing up to air their concerns over the utterly gross overreach of Justin Trudeau’s Covid Regime, a right that was once guaranteed under Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms.Tuesday, February 6 -2024 saw the release of Chris Lysak and Jerry Morin on a plea deal from their two years of unjustified incarceration in relation to Coutts protests. Regular readers of this Substack will know that all of the original charges against Morin and Lysak were dropped. The plea deal for Lysak was for a technical gun handling charge he wasn’t originally charged with, and Morin signed off on a fantasy about bringing guns to the protest that is simply not true.Two years inside will do incalculable harm to a man’s mental state, and we should bear in mind that Mr Morin, of the Coutts Four, probably had the roughest time of it - he was kept at a gang unit in Calgary with the best and brightest Canadian society has to offer, and also spent around 80 days being kept in solitary confinement, having yet to face trial and denied bail for political reasons. While he was in Calgary they also denied his wife any visitation to him for 19 months of his incarceration.We can’t let the government get away with this when Tony Olienick and Chris Carbert are acquitted of everything, because it sure seems like they are going to be, and the media can surely be counted on to run cover for their paymasters. This case was corrupt from the beginning, and all evidence points to a fantasy being concocted to legitimate Trudeau’s invocation of the Emergencies Act. The battle is not over, and legal bills continue to mount - if you can spare a few bucks to help these guys, donations can be made here. https://www.givesendgo.com/trudeauspoliticalprisoners?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

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