"Who’s The Cookie Thief?"

6 years ago

"The lady from this video has one question. Who’s the cookie thief? It’s the mystery worthy of Sherlock Holmes. The suspects are three doggos - Maluba, Waffle, and Zena. But how to the determine which one of these dogs is the guilty one? Well, it’s quite easy. As soon as the lady asked ‘Who ate the cookies’ out loud, it was clear who’s the lawbreaker. Spoiler alert: it was Zena, who couldn’t hide her shame and guilt. She bowed her head down and ran away. She couldn’t stand being in the house anymore and couldn’t bear to live with the guilty conscience. Awww!nnWe hope that Zena’s owner won’t stay mad at her for too long. However, she has the right to be angry. After all, dogs must avoid sugar in any form. It’s just not healthy for them. There are plenty of dog treats for dogs to eat, but you know how they say, the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. That’s probably the reason why doggos can’t wait to try humans’ candies, just like the adorable Zena from our video."

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