11 months ago

Contentious people are serving Satan

It’s amazing how many people such as Trust Babies, Whining Infants, and Overly pampered people in general leave their Marks like those in dirty underwear. Such Marked people sow the seeds of contention, not realizing that they are serving the Lord of Darkness, Satan. At least I hope they don’t know.

These wretched people are the products of too much pampering, sheltering, and an overall lack of childhood discipline. Overindulgence in childhood leads to a failed adulthood. These sad and sorry people are the product of lifelong sheltering from the harsh realities of life.
THE FOLLOWING IS A HYPOTHETICAL SITUATION: “For example, take Jacassius Markedus Overthere [We’ll call him ‘Jackass’ for short] who grew up in a well meaning and well to do family. All his wants were met, his desires fulfilled. He never wanted, not through college or the series of brief jobs his daddy arranged for him. Unable to keep one job for very long, there was always ‘Daddy’ to bail him out and find a place for him.

His life was a contentious one from the git-go. To this day he manages to conjure up argument and objection to nearly anything anyone says. He feels a deep and abiding need to justify himself and leave his Marc on others in what he believes to be a meaningful way. In the words of a psychologist friend of mine, “He’s got more trigger than the National Guard Armory.” This explains his failed marriage and multiple employment failures. His inability to pursue a career has haunted him ever since he lost his last job.

Now he lives the life of an aging Trust Baby. He’s living in a family trust home, driving a family trust car, eating family trust food, and subsisting on a family trust allowance. In his lifetime he’s never had to sweat a power bill, rent payment, or anything for that matter because his family takes care of him, knowing he is not ‘tough enough’ to survive in the ‘real world’.

This existence has deprived him of any hope of gaining wisdom. Although reasonably well educated, his grasp on wisdom is nothing more than smoke and imagination. He has been denied that 3rd side of the wisdom triangle; which is experience. His family has stolen wisdom from him by indulging his whims and it is too late to gain the all elusive wisdom now as he rounds the corner of mid-life heading toward senior citizenship.”

The previous example is purely hypothetical and any resemblance to person or persons is purely coincidental.
Now, this would seem an ideal lifestyle for anyone without even an ounce of pride, ingenuity, or gumption. This ‘kept’ lifestyle is ideal for those too weak to withstand the winds of adversity, even in the death of a parent. Sudden death is dealt with by those of more solid stuff than the typical Trust Baby even if a parent eats his gun or otherwise bails on life. One is left to wonder if our Trust Baby’s failures wouldn’t help fuel a parent’s final meal. Again, any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental.
We must not condemn these sad, sorry little people. Instead we must pray for them because contention is eating their lives away from the inside. They spread contention as a form of ‘pre-emptive strike’ to avoid showing their horrible weaknesses. Contention, which is always of the Devil, invades the human soul like an aggressive cancer and doesn’t stop until the soul is totally destroyed or the infected person has turned his or herself around.

Remember to be wary of these people and not overextend the olive branch of peace. Many will Mark this move as weakness and take advantage. Such never apologize for anything and never admit to error. They are locked within the sickness of a mind decades in the making. Be careful not to lose or expend all of your Friendship Capitol, or you may fall into their trap.

With names on the lips of many, pray for those who sow contention, unknowing servants of the Devil. These miserable creatures need your prayers.

I’m Max, and that’s the way I see it!

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