Feeling uncertain? ... a couple of ways to help in this Seasonal State of Metamorphic Change...

11 months ago

As I was working on my masks today...painting the rims with Gold... to represent the golden inner light of love spilling out onto the outer life ...
I was thinking about when I come up against my uncertaintys... what are some ways to help myself...???
I remember that I paint!
When I've lost those most important people to me in my life... I paint!
I paint walls, furniture, Barns, houses, fences, whatevers... I paint!
It just helps me get unstuck from my feelings of uncertainty...
Of course... then I can do the deeper work of letting go ... releasing... and in time returning back to the flow of my creations with unconditional love of myself.
This is my way...
what's you way???

I believe It's very important that in the end, we ... each one of us discover our own way! And that having support along the way with others makes it so much more enjoyable!
this is true self love and ownership of the reality we are creating!

Thank for stoping by today... for a windy day in the Garden... painting!

May Grace fill your World & Love fill your Heart!!

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