ABC Kids Dec 22, 2007 Power Rangers Operation Overdrive Ep 27 Home And Away Part 1

6 months ago

Rose walks in the Control Center with a book. Mr. Hartford, Dax, and Tyzonn are there. Rose: I knew I seen it before! That artifact the Fearcats wanted, is in this book on Greek legends. Rose places the book down and Mr. Hartford and Dax look at the page. Andrew: The Octavian Chalice. Rose: It's a legendary receptacle that can sensitize the energy of three other ancient relics. Rose lists the relics as the Sands of Sila, Minerva's Staff, and Root of Heisker. Dax concludes the Fearcats will be after the three ancient relics next. Rose tells them she is searching for the Staff and warns the group that the three ancient relics combine with the Octavian Chalice, is capable of destroying worlds. Upon hearing this, Tyzonn loses his temper and explains when they will stop. Mr. Hartford, Rose, and Dax are a little taken aback at Tyzonn's outburst. Tyzonn tells them the Fearcats had taken the most important person away from him. Just then Rose gets a signal of where the staff might be. Mr. Hartford has Rose get the rest of the team to search for the staff. Mr. Hartford instructs Dax and Tyzonn to search for the other relics. Tyzonn wants to go after the staff, but Mr. Hartford tells him not until he has cooled down. Dax walks over to Tyzonn and tells him they will search for the other relics. Mig and Benglo have built a machine and they have the Octavian Chalice placed inside it. The Fearcats are ready to search for the three relics. Meanwhile, Norg and Flurious are walking in the woods. Norg thinks they are just taking a stroll, but Flurious is searching for one of the relics. Flurious uses his staff and blasts a tree, which contains Minerva's Staff. Flurious is very pleased to have the staff. Flurious only has the staff for a few moments when Mack, Will, Ronny and Rose arrived. Rose takes a reading and confirms it is Minerva's Staff. The four Rangers blast the staff out of Flurious's hands. But the four Rangers don't have it for long either. Flurious sends in his Chillers. The Chillers battle and one manages to get the staff back to Flurious. Flurious is pleased and sends the Chillers back out to battle the four Rangers. At the Control Center, Dax is happy to have found two relics on the screen. Tyzonn offers to go after the Sands of Sila. Mr. Hartford is doubtful, but Tyzonn tells him he has cool down. Mr. Hartford consents and Tyzonn takes off. Dax contacts Mack and tells him they need to split up and search for the Root of Heisker. Mack and the rest of the Rangers are still battling the Chillers. Mack asks Will and Rose if they can handle the Chillers and they tell him yes. Mack tells Ronny she is coming with him. Mack and Ronny take off as Will and Rose continue to fight the Chillers. In a desert, Kamdor and Miratrix had just dug up the Sands of Sila. Tyzonn arrives. Miratrix is ready to battle the Mercury Ranger, but Kamdor stops her. Kamdor wants to show just how powerful he is. Tyzonn and Kamdor battle. In the woods, Rose and Will continue their battle against the Chillers. Black Ranger uses the Hovertek Cycle to help him in the battle. Back at the desert, Tyzonn has a difficult time against Kamdor and is eventually defeated. Mercury Ranger demorphs as he hits the ground. Miratrix is very impressed with Kamdor and tells him he is having a good day by getting the Sands of Sila and defeating Mercury Ranger. As they talk, Mig arrives and takes the Sands of Sila. Mig then blasts Kamdor and Miratrix, calling them losers. Mig is happy to see Tyzonn is hurt. Tyzonn wakes up and is surprised when he sees Vella. Tyzonn tells Vella he needs to go after the Fearcats. Vella has no idea what Tyzonn is talking about. Vella explains to Tyzonn that he had been caught in the cave-in and had gotten hurt. Tyzonn is confused, because he remembers Vella being the one trapped inside the cave-in. Elsewhere, a Lava Lizard brings Moltor the Root of Heisker. Mack and Ronny arrive. Red Ranger and Yellow Ranger battle Moltor and the numerous Lava Lizards. Mack transformed into Red Sentinel Ranger to battle several of the Lava Lizards. Moltor gives Mack a powerful blow that knocks him back to Red Ranger. In the woods, Rose and Will keep up their battle against the Chillers. Eventually they destroy them all. Flurious is not happy, but ready to leave. Norg walks up to Flurious with a bunch of flowers. Flurious crushes them under his foot before vanishing with Norg. Elsewhere, Tyzonn is still confused. Tyzonn tells Vella of becoming a Power Ranger on Earth, trying to track down the jewels of the Corona Aurora and fighting villains from all over the galaxy. Vella tells Tyzonn that he has been on Mercuria the whole time. Vella comments that the most important thing is that they are back together. Tyzonn smiles as he realizes that Vella is right. In the quarry, Mack and Ronny continue to battle Moltor and the Lava Lizards. Dax arrives and the three Rangers tells Moltor to give up the Root of Heisker. Flurious arrives, still holding the staff, and laughs at the Rangers. Suddenly Benglo streaks past them and now he has the staff. Benglo mocks the three Rangers and Moltor and Flurious. Benglo streaks through and grabs the staff from Flurious. The Fearcats now have all three relics. Moltor and Flurious are angry with the Fearcats. Kamdor and Miratrix arrive as well. Mig and Benglo insult each of the villains. Mig and Benglo place all three relics inside the Octavian Chalice. A monster called Agrios emerges as a result. Mack, Dax and Ronny can only watch as the Fearcats bring out their machine and attach it to the giant monster. Kamdor, Miratrix, Flurious, and Moltor are very upset. The four villains stand on the sidelines and watch. Will and Rose arrive. The Zords are sent and the DriveMax Ultrazord is formed. The five Rangers battle the Fearcats. It is a difficult battle. The four villains are stunned when the Fearcats knocked the Megazord to the ground. The five Rangers get out okay. In the Control Center, Mr. Hartford is worried about the Rangers. The BattleFleet Zords are sent out and the battle continues. The five Rangers form the BattleFleet Megazord. The battle continues to be difficult for the Rangers. Mack pulls out the Sentinel Sword and tosses it out. Sentinel Knight appears in giant form and joins in the battle. But it is not enough. Sentinel Knight is soon knocked out and reverts to sword form and lands in some rocks. The Fearcats mock the Rangers for hurting their friend. Eventually the Fearcats defeat the Rangers and their Megazord comes apart. The Fearcats, still in their machine, walk over to the four villains and tells them they need to knell to them. The Fearcats then knock all four villains off their feet. The Fearcats leave in triumph. The four villains get back up on their feet. Flurious wonders if it is possible that the Fearcats have defeated them all. The Rangers had demorph and the Megazord is in pieces. Ronny states the BattleFleet Zords are trashed. Dax adds so are the DriveMax Zords. Rose asks what they are going to do, but no one has an answer. Elsewhere, Tyzonn and Vella are walking. Tyzonn can't believe how beautiful Mercuria is and how he has forgotten. Tyzonn has decided he is ready to move on with his life. Vella is happy to hear it. Tyzonn and Vella gazed at each other lovingly.

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