Science Now Recognises the Nature of Spirituality & that No Gene Causes Cancer

11 months ago

What’s the antidote to the Darwinian-hypermaterialism mind-jab?

The whole population has been programmed to believe they are victims of their own heredity but it turns out we are masters of our genetic activity.

Principle No: 1 in quantum physics is, consciousness is creating our life experience. Consciousness releases energy to the environment that controls the genes and you can change your consciousness. You can change your environment. It's not made out of matter - everything is made out of energy.

The reality is that science has now recognised the nature of spirituality. Stress is responsible for over 90% of the health crisis on this planet. Genes are responsible for less that 1% of the disease on this planet.

Scientific Fact: There is no gene that causes cancer.

Source: Josh De Sol -

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