Scotty Mar10 13Mar24 loaded with comms.

7 months ago

Scotty Mar10 13Mar24 loaded with comms.
Watch and share, powerful. Enjoyed seeing my Fren, Kim Runner's posts included. Miss my frens on Twitter/X. Going to try again this weekend to get on. Would like my old account, but may try a new one with a "_" in my name. We all worked hard to research, and get the truth out there, and that's why many of us were suspended or permanently banned. The 1st Amendment should apply to all. Why was it only Patriots, people who posted truth, banned? If "X" is now, in support of the 1st Amendment, without exceptions (I do understand even SCOTUS rulings on 1st Amendment, including that), why not allow everyone to come back? Be fair and just. As Elon stated, he wanted all people to be involved in the town square, to communicate and debate. Or, is "X" still controlled, and just another psyop??? You decide.

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