Voluntary simplicity equates to sovereignty | Creative Intuitive Transmission | High vibration art

11 months ago

šŸ‘‰Read the blog post: https://www.abigaellerichard.com/post/voluntary-simplicity-equates-to-sovereignty-creative-intuitive-transmission-12-high-vibration-art
šŸŽØPurchase the original artwork "Tinaƶ": https://www.abigaellerichard.com/product-page/tina%C3%B6-original-japanese-washi-chiyogami-paper-collage-high-vibration-art
šŸŽØPurchase a high quality digital file of "Tinaƶ", to bring these colorful high frequencies to your own sacred space: https://www.abigaellerichard.com/product-page/tina%C3%B6-japanese-washi-chiyogami-paper-art-collage-high-vibration
šŸŽµListen to music 1: "Comptine d'un autre Ć©tĆ©, l'aprĆØs-midi" by Yann Tiersen from the soundtrack of the movie "AmĆ©lie": https://open.spotify.com/track/4O2N861eOnF9q8EtpH8IJu
šŸŽµListen to music 2: "Dwelling In Peace" by Nawang Khechog: https://soundcloud.com/nawang-khechog/dwelling-in-peace-2
šŸ’«Website: https://www.abigaellerichard.com

In this Creative Intuitive Transmission no. 12 video, I have created a Japanese washi chiyogami paper art collage entitled "Tinaƶ", which consists of high vibration art.

The two pieces of music and the background were complementary and inspired the message that was shared today in this CIT, and the whole has inspired the Japanese washi chiyogami collage I created.

This message was inspired by the Mella collective that I am a part of, and which consists of my soul cluster, or star soul family as a starseed, that originated in the Altean system of galaxy NGC 7331, on the Thails planet, as explained more in detail in this previous video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jngvSw9ALJw

This CIT is a beautiful complement to a transmission that was shared by the Mella collective in 2022 entitled: Earning your life or offering value to the world? ! Inner guidance communication. High vibration words: https://youtu.be/Qv3LgwR3YjA

The essence of today's transmission, is that voluntary simplicity in all its forms, is a modus vivendi that can offer us a great deal of freedom and sovereignty, not only regarding financial but also time freedom and liberty. Indeed, I share the humble example of my own life experience with living a simple life, where I can be free of the enslavement often associated with to owning a big house and big cars. I have much more time for living at my own pace, and focusing on my spiritual inner journey and starseed mission, which consists of creating art imbued with high vibrations and high frequency I share with the world.

Voluntary simplicity does not mean poverty, on the contrary, it often means embracing a much freer life where you can engage in the flow of receiving and sharing abundance in all its forms, while not being bound by the enslaving addiction to own a great deal of unnecessary material possessions !

What is a Creative Intuitive Transmission (CIT)?: https://www.abigaellerichard.com/creative-intuitive-transmissions-cit

Who is Mokusho Abigaƫlle Richard?

As a starseed soul, intuitive artist, iconographer, transmitter, collage artist and travel photographer, my soul purpose is to share my higher self connection and spiritual intuitive guidance in the form of a reading or Creative Intuitive Transmission with meaning (iconography), high vibration words and artwork as an original art collage of Japanese art style washi chiyogami paper (normally used for origami). It also takes the form of color and black and white photo digital files of travel, nature, landscape, animal, urban, architecture and b&w photography. Both are for sale as wall art in my art shop and their creative process and inspiration is discussed in blog posts of my website. They are also shared as videography on ā€œThe grounded starseedā€ Youtube channel, to offer you high frequency art.

As starseeds, and fractals of Source having a physical experience, it is a challenge to find balance between our connection to our soul, stars, and life on Terra. Like the shamanic tree, rooted on Terra, with its branches connected to stars and Source, being grounded is essential to be connected to our higher self guidance (inner guidance) and live in balance.

I hope that this channel touches open-minded benevolent souls engaged in spiritual evolution and creativity, to elevate consciousness and raise our frequencies for a 5D Terra (Earth).

Mokusho Abigaƫlle Richard
#HighVibrationArtCollage #HighFrequencyArtCollage #CreativeIntuitiveTransmission

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