#TJvGarland Targeted Justice Lawsuit Episode 54 Voices in Young Heads

6 months ago

The participants discussed the topic of non-kinetic brain injury, also known as Havana Syndrome. The conversation highlighted the growing concerns about targeted individuals, including children as young as 3, who are experiencing voices in their heads.
It was mentioned that the United States armed forces admitted to deploying a patented torture method that involves broadcasting voices, known as the microwave auditory effect. The potential long-term damage to the developing brains of children was a cause of concern.
The meeting focused on the growing issue of non-kinetic brain injury, also known as Havana Syndrome, particularly affecting children. The meeting also discussed potential sources of these pulsations, including cell towers, drones, satellites, and HAARP, and the ethical implications of using such technology.
References for Children and V2K interview.
1 .Justesen, D. R. (1975). Microwaves and behavior. American Psychologist, 30(3), 391. - First published evidence of successful transmission of words using MW energy I people https://drive.proton.me/urls/S7KPSPH2WW#kbw3ahs6FgFj
2. Lin, J. (1917). The Mystery of "Sonic Health Attacks" on Havana-Based Diplomats. No 362. - First mention that Havana Syndrome is linked to pulsed microwaves
3. Foster KR, Garrett DC, Ziskin MC. Can the Microwave Auditory Effect Be "Weaponized"? Front Public Health. 2021 Dec 23;9:788613. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2021.788613. PMID: 35004589; PMCID: PMC8733248. https://drive.proton.me/urls/S7KPSPH2WW#kbw3ahs6FgFj
“We conclude that acoustic waves induced in the brain at the “reasonable upper limit” exposures described by Dagro et al. are likely to fall short of thresholds for damaging the brain, although they conceivably could produce unpleasant audiovestibular disturbances and/or auditory responses, depending on the RF pulse duration and repetition rate. In any event, the capabilities of high-powered microwave sources remain shrouded in classified research programs, and thresholds for adverse effects are poorly defined. There are easier ways to harass or harm an adversary and using directed energy weapons against people might be ill-advised for a variety of other reasons as well.”
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