WPATH Files - Medical Experimentation - LIVE Kerfefe Break with Keri Smith

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Join us for a LIVE #KerfefeBreak on #Deprogrammed with Keri Smith on Tuesday, March 12th at 1pm CST. This is the 4th episode in our continuing series on the WPATH (World Professional Association for Transgender Health) Files, released by journalists Michael Shellenberger and Mia Hughes.

We are discussing the evidence contained in the WPATH Files (both video evidence and written records) that expose the fact that Doctors KNOW they are engaging in unethical medical experimentation on minors, with no body of scientific studies or evidence to guide them.

*Read the WPATH Files here: https://environmentalprogress.org/big...

*Part 1: WPATH Files - First Do No Harm:

• WPATH Files - First Do No Harm - LIVE...

*Part 2: Transing Kids - Monster John Money:

• Transing Kids - The Monster John Money:

*Part 3: Doctors Admit Children Can't Consent:

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