From Catalina Sailboat to Island Packet

1 year ago

Chuck now has an IP445 and I have an IP320. We both had the same experience when switching from Catalina to our earlier IP's. This is a short clip from last night's podcast. Says it all, wouldn't you say?
Full Vid:

Cap'n Tinsley talks to Chuck, Captain/Owner of Sailing Vessel Freedom, an Island Packet 445 Sailboat in Gulf Breeze, FL.

Take a sail down to the Gulf Coast with Cap'n Tinsley to discuss the world of sailing and Island Packets! SALTY ABANDON is Cap'n Tinsley & First Mate Salty Scotty from Orange Beach, AL:
Oct 2020 to Present - 1998 Island Packet 320;
2015-2020 - 1988 Island Packet 27 (lost in Hurricane Sally Sep 2020)

Salty Podcast LIVE every Wed at 6pm Central on these platforms.

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