In The Name Of Zion ✡️

11 months ago



A comprehensive documentary that unveils the hidden truths behind the creation of the State of Israel and its subsequent events.

Part 1 - The Rothschild Declaration
Part 2 ‐ The Wrong Enemy
Part 3 - The Six Million
Part 4 - The Danger of Democracy
Part 5 - The Way of Deception
Part 6 - The War of Terror
Part 7 - The Highest Art of Warfare
Part 8 - The Great Replacement
Part 9 - The Jew World Order

Their Star of Satan also known as the Star of David (Remphan)


White Zion, part 1: Jewish Survival Strategies

American Dissident Voices broadcast of 22 May, 2021

Listen to Broadcast

by Dr. William L. Pierce
presented and introduced by Kevin Alfred Strom

ON TODAY’S BROADCAST, I’m going to present words which have not seen the light of day for a very long time. It’s a speech by the founder of the National Alliance, Dr. William Pierce, entitled “White Zion.” It was given originally at the national convention of the Alliance in Arlington, Virginia during the Labor Day weekend of 1984. I’ll be presenting it — the original recording is not available, so in my own voice — in two parts, this week and next. The first part is subtitled “Jewish Survival Strategies,” and it’s a lively and amusing history of the singular “dual mode of existence” which has proved to be the secret of the Jews’ survival among hostile peoples for thousands of years, along with a frank assessment of how our own survival strategies — to the extent we Whites have had any at all — have fallen short.

I give you the words of the founder of the National Alliance, Dr. William Pierce.

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SOME 4,000 years ago, in certain parts of the world, there were nomadic tribes who made their living from their flocks of sheep and goats. They lived on goat’s milk and goat’s cheese; they killed and ate a sheep occasionally; they sheared their sheep for wool; they made sandals and wineskins and other utensils from their animals; and they followed their flocks from one place to another in search of grass as the seasons changed. The nomadic life was a hard life. And it was a life with no past and no future. There was nothing permanent in the lives of the people, except their way of life. They had no fixed habitations, no land to which they belonged — just land through which they passed with their flocks. They had no buildings, just their tents, so they had no architecture, no art, no literature. When someone died, he was buried on the spot and the tribe moved on. So they had no graves of their ancestors around them to remind them of a past, of a heritage, of an identity. They were tribes without roots. Only the present — the here and now — had any real meaning for these people.

There were towns and cities in this part of the world, but the nomads didn’t live in them. They had to keep moving to find grass for their herds. When they passed a town, they might trade some of their wool or a few goat skins for pottery or for metal tools or weapons. Then they would move on. And the various nomadic tribes also traded with one another.

Each of them was like a large extended family, headed by a patriarch, with his wives and his sons and his grandchildren, and their wives and so on — perhaps 200 to 300 individuals in a family. But all of these families or tribes remained quite similar in character, because not only was their environment the same, but there was a continuing genetic interchange among them. They customarily raided each other for women, or in more amicable times they purchased brides from one another.

But even in the best of times, some tribes didn’t get on well with the others. One tribe in particular was headed by a patriarch who was especially rapacious and unscrupulous. He began to acquire a reputation among the other tribes for dealing in diseased camels. The members of his tribe would customarily make their sheep drink as much water as they could hold, so they would appear fatter than they really were before trading them to some unsuspecting father in another tribe for his daughter. Eventually, this particular patriarch and his fellow tribesmen had such a bad reputation for crooked dealings that they could no longer even stop at towns to trade. The townspeople would see them coming, and would throw stones at them.

And, of course, since one bunch of nomads looked pretty much like any other bunch to the townspeople, this one tribe’s bad reputation began affecting all of the tribes. They were all likely to get stoned if they came near a town. And so the patriarchs of the other tribes got together and made a plan to gang up on the crooked one and fix his wagon good. They planned to get even with him for all of his cheating.

Read more:


White Zion, part 2: A White Survival Strategy

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