Victoria Nuland's Legacy and the Truth Behind the War in Ukraine (part one)

6 months ago

The conjunction of Victoria Nuland’s resignation from State and the fact that the Russians are clearly winning the war in Ukraine presents us with the opportunity to explore how we got here. Unfortunately, most Americans believe the official deep state narrative that all of this started two years ago when the violently deranged dictator, Vladimir Putin, unleashed his armies on the innocent people of Ukraine in a desperate attempt to reestablish the former borders of the old Soviet Union.

However, the fact is that this history and Nuland’s history as a member of one of Washington’s leading Deep State Families, the Kagans, goes back to the early 50’s, when the patriarch of the Kagan Family, Donald, a postwar immigrant from Lithuania, became active in anti-Soviet organizations.

After the fall of the former Soviet Union, Lithuania regained its independence, but Donald never got over his hate for the Russians, which was passed on to his two sons, Robert and Fred—both of whom had already become addicted to the power and money that affects so many of the big players in the DC Swamp.

In fact, they were so addicted that they banded together with like-minded war mongers, power brokers, think tanks, politicians and the intelligence community to create a plan to take over countries across the Middle East. They called themselves the Project for a New American Century, PNAC for short, and their little-noted plan was called “Rebuilding America’s Defenses” with the not-so-subtle subtitle, “Strategy, Forces and Resources for a New Century”. This outrageously criminal plan called for nothing short of a complete rearrangement of the world as we knew it.

It had been nearly 10 years since the fall of the old Soviet Union, which had allegedly ended the dangerous Cold War period—a scary period for all of us, especially since we had very nearly engaged in a nuclear war several times, quite by accident. This would have annihilated a substantial portion of the world’s population, while making large parts of the earth unlivable for several thousand years and most people were talking about the potential benefits of a “peace dividend” in which money could be spent to take care of our crumbling infrastructure.

However, for people like Donald, Fred and Robert Kagan, William Kristol, Paul Wolfowitz, Dov Zakheim, and I Lewis “Scooter” Libby, a Dick Cheney protégé, this peaceful state of affairs was simply unfathomable. So they issued their proposal with little apparent hope that the plan could ever come to fruition because of the resistance of the American People.

In fact, on page 51 of the report they speculated that this resistance would be so strong that nothing short of a catalyzing and catastrophic event, “such as a new Pearl Harbor”, would ever permit them to implement the plan. Then, as if by magic, lady luck somehow came to their aid.

The PNAC Full Spectrum Dominance Proposal was issued in September 2000. Then, in November 2000, George W. Bush was selected as President in a 5-4 decision by the US Supreme Court and many of the signers of this criminal document suddenly found themselves in key positions in the Bush Administration. A year after the PNAC Proposal was published, America was suddenly attacked on 911 and lo and behold, they had their new Pearl Harbor. Not only that, within days, the 2000+ page “Patriot Act” miraculously appeared and was passed in both houses with overwhelming support and Americans quietly gave up the Constitution and Bill of Rights, which had served us so well for over two hundred years.

Meanwhile, “Toria” Nuland, who had actually gotten her start in the Clinton Administration, suddenly came into her own during the George W. Bush Administration as a special assistant to one of the greatest War Criminals of all time, Vice President Dick Cheney, and helped Cheney to start the pre-planned wars in the Middle East. As these wars progressed, Nuland was given more authority and this is actually when the problems in Ukraine, Georgia and other former Soviet States really began, with the era of the “color revolutions”.

This brings us to the first color revolution in Ukraine, the Orange Revolution, in which protesters, incited by non-governmental organizations, funded by George Soros and quietly supported by the CIA and the State Department, were able to get the results of the Ukrainian Presidential Elections reversed. Instead of the candidate who won the election, Viktor Yanukovych, getting the job, another candidate, Viktor Yushchenko was installed. However, after a few years, the corruption became so prevalent that Yanukovych was able to engineer a comeback and this is the guy who was overthrown a second time in the so-called Maidan “Days of Dignity” as they have subsequently been called.

However, they were anything but dignified! What started out as peaceful protests in the large open Maidan Square, which lies in the heart of Ukraine’s Capital, Kiev, were ultimately turned into a coup d’etat in which Ukrainian neo-Nazi groups, such as Right Sektor and the Bandera Group, were brought into the capital to violently disrupt the peaceful protests.

Along the way, Nuland, Ambassador Jeff Pyatt and numerous American Politicians, including Joe Biden and John McCain, came to Kiev to “midwife” the revolution. How do we know this? Because Nuland was recorded by the Russians in a telephone discussion with Pyatt, in which she was naming the people she wanted to be in the new Ukrainian Government after the coup, which had not yet taken place.

By this point the reader/viewer may have noticed that the effort to overthrow the Ukrainian Government was sanctioned at the highest levels of our Government and was bi-partisan. It not only included Biden and McCain, it also involved Democrats Barack Obama and John Kerry. In DC, they like to call this “bi-partisan”, but most people have begun to realize that, when it comes to overthrowing governments and starting wars, we have a one party system—the Uniparty.

Still, with all the heavy-hitters coming in from DC and all the money coming in from Soros, the plotters were unable to get their coup without resorting to just a little more prompting, so snipers were brought in from various sources, including some that were allegedly trained in Poland, and one day they began shooting at both the protesters and the police. In this way, they were able to get both sides to blame the other for the violence and what does a few dozen dead and crippled people matter to the wielders of power if they get the result they want in the end.

In fact, this would be just the beginning of the bloodletting, which continues to this day. Nuland got her coup and, just as she had directed, her guy “Yatsenyuk” was installed to lead an interim government until new Presidential elections could be held. Meanwhile, the snipers had done their work well and it would not be discovered until later that, in many cases, the forensics indicated that both the police and the protesters had been shot with the same rifle.

New elections were then held and Viktor Poroshenko was elected as the new President. Despite promises to maintain the peace, Poroshenko was unable to control the neo-Nazi elements within the Ukrainian Parliament, or Rada, which began passing laws that would negatively affect the largely Russian speaking populace of Ukraine’s most Eastern Provinces, known as the Donbass, and it most Southern province, the peninsula known as Crimea.

Schools would no longer be able to teach in Russian; pensions and services were cut; monuments honoring the Russian Victory in what they still call “the great Patriotic War were torn down; and the graves of Russian Soldiers who died fighting the Germans were desecrated. So the people of these provinces began to organize to reject the coup d’etat and resist the new laws.

The crisis created by Victoria Nuland’s successfully orchestrated US coup against the democratically elected government of the Ukraine continued to escalate, especially in the Donbass Region, where militias formed by the newly declared Republics of Donetsk and Luhansk began to seal off their villages and towns from the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Meanwhile, pressure was brought upon the EU Parliament to condemn Vladimir Putin and the Russians for all the problems in the breakaway provinces.

However, in reality, Putin and the Russian Federation did little to actually help the upstart provinces in the beginning. So the militias made due with a few pieces of excess military equipment that were either captured from the Ukrainian Armed Forces or were donated by the Russians.

By July of 2014, it was clear that the provinces were holding their own and, in some small cases, were actually winning victories over the Ukrainian Forces. An escalation became necessary and the Ukrainian Air Force began flying into Russian air space, which resulted in two Ukrainian Planes being shot down in short succession.

This alone should have caused the European Authorities to immediately shut down the airspace over the battle areas. However, this was not done and what happened next was a tragedy, which not only should have been prevented, but might very well have been pre-planned.

To be continued…

A full copy of the Project for a New American Century (PNAC) Proposal can be found here:

The "new Pearl Harbor" statement appears on page 51.

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