Earthquakes and shakings

6 months ago

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Earthquakes and shakings

Prophetic word
Mette Mirani Sternkopf

I let earthquakes and shakings come very soon. When I let earthquakes and shaking come, it is a sign that I am changing the leadership in the whole country.
First I cleanse my body. I cleanse and remove the leadership that has led the congregations astray with heresy and greed. You have taken the power out of my word and you have defiled my name, says the Lord of hosts.
I will bring my justice and remove the evil leaders in your land who have simply mocked my creation.
It is not just the physical shakings, but also the spiritual ones.
I will remove this dictatorship.
I remove communism in Denmark, which has held the people captive and as hostages.
The system to which many have sworn allegiance. The system is shaken, the royal house, the media, the educational institutions, the army, the families, the churches. Yes, I the Lord will come and shake Denmark, which has never been seen before.
When I say that there will be tremors in Denmark, it will go down in history.
I shake the snake out of the garden and send my fire.
You, capital, will no longer remain a capital.
Behold, I begin with thee, thou proud city. I remove the rat's nest in the government and the royal house.
Copenhagen, you proud city. Don't you know that pride leads to a fall?
The stench of idolatry in the secret underground temples will be exposed. The stench of your sacrifices of innocent blood.
Freemasons. Did you think that you will go free, without being held to account and judged for all your transgressions and crimes against your own countrymen?
My judgment will be upon you.
But through my remnant I will rebuild the land. I humble whom I will and exalt whom I will, says the Lord of hosts.

Reference: Haggai 2:6-9. Isaiah 61:2. Proverbs 16:18. Hebrews 12:26. Isaiah 60:5. Matthew 2:1-12. Proverbs 18:12. Romans 12:16.

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