The Role of Luck in Cancer; St. Paddy's Edition

10 months ago

How To Be Lucky With Cancer! The Role of Luck in Cancer; St. Patrick's Day Edition.

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In this light-hearted, festive St. Paddy's Day inspired video, Dr. Lisa (Naturopathic Doctor, Energy Worker, Transformational Life Coach) entertains some important questions and waxes a bit philosophically. When it comes to healing from cancer or anything else, mindset (and the accompanying feelings) are key. So how do we think and feel about luck? How do we perceive those who are lucky or unlucky? More importantly, do we think we are lucky or unlucky? This relates to our identity, beliefs, values and more. How do we bring in more luck and decrease our bad luck? This can absolutely be done! Find out how and much more on this interesting, yet seldom explored in depth, subject!

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