The Kirk Minihane Show LIVE | A Friendly Wager - March 14, 2024

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Ryan Whitney and Montante are in studio as Kirk recaps yesterday's Miltons trip. (09:17) Montante defends the Cleveland Indians. (11:47) Kirk reveals that he can't wear normal shirts to bed. (15:17) Dave Portnoy called Kirk about Robbie V. (17:04) Whitney questions Montante on his work boots. (19:10) Whitney explains Pat Ford's golf story. (22:28) Kirk and Whitney plan on competing in the Barstool Chicago Mini Golf Open. (33:04) Whitney bets on the field beating Kirk. (40:47) Montante thinks Zamboni drivers make $100,000. (47:53) Whitney has finally finished The West Wing. (51:04) Montante reflects on when he was arrested. (54:33) The list of those participating in the mini golf open. (01:10:29) Montante asks if Whitey made more from Pink Whitney or playing hockey. (01:17:00) Montante thinks there are multiple Bidens. (01:19:04) Benjamin Allbright seems to have an issue with Steve again. (01:30:07) Trump discussion. (01:31:14) Kirk asks Whitney how he thinks Klemmer will do on The Unnamed Show. (01:33:00) Pat Ford is a big aquarium guy. (01:46:00) Whitney discusses his baby on the way. (01:53:00) Coleman and Justin take on a weight loss challenge.

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