A Girl And Her Dog Play-Pretend They Are Ballroom Dancing

7 years ago

Living with us in mega-cities or in small villages, on the sea, in the desert and even in space or on the North Pole, they march along, leaving 4 paw traces, our friends - dogs. They are glorified in legends since days ancient as being more faithful than people and remain close in perilous times. There are volumes of poems inspired by and devoted to them, monuments erected in their remembrance and the never-fading memories we cherish of growing up with our first dog.

In ancient times, dogs helped our ancestors hunt for mammoth and toothed tigers. Dog teams bare the credit naturalists, geologists and other adventure-seekers ventured into expeditions and conquest of the Arctic and Antarctic. In the world of today, many dogs live a comfortable couch life next to their beloved owners and we are grateful to them for the company.

And it is exactly the companionship dogs provide when we are at the frailest age; that companionship in time grows into friendship that the child is going to remember his or her entire life. We have seen thousands of videos of sleeping babies guarded by many times larger Great Danes, a small Chihuahua not allowing the mother of the toddler to change the baby’s diaper, a boy and his faithful terrier doing all sorts of mischief around the neighborhood and then hiding, all muddy and yet happy, under the porch, waiting for the storm of anger to pass.

This is a video of the final night in ballroom dancing competition. The dancing couple is on the dance floor, the lights are dimmed, she is wearing a beautiful glimmering evening dress and he is wearing a black tuxedo. You can hear the audience gathering around them, waiting for the dance to begin, all the looks are upon them and they are ready to win the competition! The music starts, they throw their incredible choreography in front of the amazed audience and in the end, after the deafening applause he gives her a kiss.

Wait, what? Where do you see this? This is not what the video is all about! Or is it? Take a look again and remember all your imaginary feats that involved nothing but a few objects and loads and loads of imagination. Yes, the girl is in her bedroom wearing pajamas and yes it is not a boy but her good old four-pawed friend in his black coat, but how does that make any difference when these two good friends were playing pretend and mom or dad was there to catch everything on camera.

People say that, over time, dogs start to resemble their owners, both in looks and in behavior. Whether it’s the animals that start imitating their humans, or the humans start to identify themselves with their dogs, it doesn’t matter, what matters is that both this dog and the girl enjoyed themselves dancing the walce.

What dо you think about this video? Make sure you tell us more in the comments down below. If you like what you see, don’t forget to share it with others who might like it as well. It just might be the highlight of their day! Enjoy!

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