12 minutes with beauties of Russian Federation

11 days ago

The inhabitants of the village of Golyshevo, Kovrovsky district, are interested in how you are doing?

— You can answer in the comments, we’ll definitely read it.

One of the oldest Russian cities is Izborsk!

Initially, the city was located on the Truvorov settlement. Now there is St. Nicholas Church and Truvorov Cross.

It is also interesting that today Izborsk is no longer a city, but a village.

Nizhny Novgorod is always different and very loved!

Spaso-Preobrazhensky Holy Cross Monastery

Very strong shots! It seems as if these are moments from a film or an illustration to a Russian fairy tale.

Do you think this is Scandinavia? Better yet, this is Cape Bruce in the Primorsky Territory!

A walk in the winter forest in the Perm region

The Solovetsky Islands are the pearl of the White Sea!

How to get to the islands? In the summer, a ferry from Rabocheostrovsk regularly runs here. There are also a large number of private boats that also go from Rabocheostrovsk and back.

You can find them on Avito by searching for “boat to Solovki”. The cost for all is approximately the same. You agree with the captain and that’s it - you can sail!

Assumption Brusensky Monastery in Kolomna, which was filmed in all seasons!

- This requires a lot of endurance, bravo!

And a very festive tram rides around Nizhny Novgorod...

For frost, our subscribers love to ride to Istra!

Museum of Wooden Architecture in the village of Nizhnyaya Sinyachikha

In winter there is a special atmosphere in Samara...

Milky Way over the North Chuya Range

Considering how quickly tourist centers appear here, in 10 years such a photo will be impossible to repeat.

Frosty morning on White Mountain and Belogorsky Monastery

Active life on Kuznetsky Most

The shot from 1908 well conveys the atmosphere of vigorous economic activity in old Moscow.

Meeting killer whales in the Primorsky Territory is a huge success!

The village of El-Tyuby from the height of a golden eagle flight

From the lower part of the center of the frame, from the green roofs of the hotel and cafe, the road “One Hundred Steps to Kaisyn” (Balk: “Kaysynnga zhuz atlam”) goes to the left - a unique monument to the outstanding Balkar poet Kaisyn Kuliev in his native village.

Picturesque Kenozerie, Arkhangelsk region

Our subscriber captured the village of Ryzhkovo and the village of Vershinino. Beauty!

An amazing photo from Volgograd in January!

Motherland as an angelic vision over winter snowy Russia

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