Dog and Her Puppies Lived in a Dirty Shipping Yard for 3 Weeks – Until Help Arrived

6 years ago

The puppies as well as their mother are now in good hands!
California-based animal rescue organization named Hope For Paws has recently received a call about a dog who had given birth, but was now living with her puppy litter in a shipyard with no food or shelter. Their team of rescuers quickly found located the bitch, who was more than eager to be finally fed some food. However, this made one local security guard unhappy, and did not want anyone taking the little canine family away from the place. Fortunately, the team managed to convince him that the shipping yard was not a good environment for the dogs. Plus, they had promised him that they would find great homes for both the mother and her pups. Realizing that the rescue was in the dogs’ best interests, the guard relented.

The little family were then named at Hope For Paws’s headquarters – Their mother is now named Agnus, while Marge, Odis, and Forest are given to the 3 puppies. All four canines were then taken in by LA Animal Rescue, and are properly fostered in a loving home with lots of love, attention and space to freely roam!

Watch the rescue happen in the video below!

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