Whitney Webb Exposes WEF-Deep State-Israel Public Private Partnership Banking Cyber Attack

6 months ago

Whitney Webb Exposes WEF-Deep State-Israel Public Private Partnership Banking Cyber Attack
The British Cabal, FBI, CIA, DOJ, Big Tech and Israel Military Cyber Army Unit8200 are some of the Top Villains Whitney Webb says are Partnering with the World Economic Forum to Crash the US Economy to bring in the CBDC Great Reset...
Brendon O'Connell Calls Out a Shocking New Shift in Global Power
According to O'Connell the Rothschild Cartel is being forced to Make a Deal and Submit to a Transfer of Power and Control of Israel to the Skull and Bones Anglo-American Establishment.
Catch his recent videos for his shocking analysis. See links below.
"What's Coming Is WORSE Than A Crash” - Whitney Webb’s 2024 Prediction
26,917 views March 13, 2024
Unscripted Crypto
In this eye-opening video, Whitney Webb delves into the complex web of global cybersecurity, revealing a public-private partnership within the World Economic Forum that includes major players like the FBI, DOJ, and tech giants such as PayPal and Microsoft. With a forecast of a massive cyber-attack by 2025 targeting the banking sector, Webb unravels how this could serve as a pretext for financial institutions to shift blame and potentially manipulate geopolitical tensions.
Further exploration uncovers the CIA's capability to attribute cyber-attacks falsely, raising questions about accountability and the legitimacy of cyber threat attributions. The video also highlights secretive banking simulations preparing for systemic failures, the rise of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), and the looming end of financial and online anonymity.
This critical analysis exposes the potential for increased surveillance, control, and the erosion of personal freedoms, urging viewers to stay informed and prepared for a future where financial and digital privacy may be drastically altered. Join us on Unscripted Crypto as we navigate the implications of these developments for our digital and financial sovereignty.
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Brendon O'Connell Calls Out a Shocking New Shift in Global Power
According to O'Connell the Rothschild Cartel is being forced to Make a Deal and Submit to a Transfer of Power and Control of Israel to the Skull and Bones Anglo-American Establishment.
Catch his recent videos for his shocking analysis.
Patreon Video 57 - Gaza & The Reshaping Of The Middle East, Ukraine & Eurasia
Everything you see is the break down and re-forming of the Multi Polar World Order and Belt and Road, but this time, under the control of US Elites. 
Patreon Video 56 - King Charles, Gaza Ethnic Cleansing, Lord Rothschild & The New Order
Patreon Video 55 - Globalist Actor President Of El Salvadore Exposes George Soros

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