Dirty Tactics of renewable energy companies - Wade Northausen - Billboard Battalion 14/3/24

10 months ago

On today's video, Farmer Wade talks about the increasing pressure and nasty tactics that are being applied to landholders by authorities who want access to their land, to build all the renewable energy infrastructure on.

The pressure tactics that are now being used, the intimidation and coercion is really getting out of control.

This is becoming the government standard tactics and procedures when they are trying to force people to do things that are very bad for them.

Also we discuss the how political parties come up with strategies to con people into believing that they are fighting for them, when in fact the major political parties are in bed together, there is no difference between them, in so much as they are all trying to lie to the Australian people and con the Australian people into having this renewable energy catastrophic disaster. The politicians come up with different angles to make it appear they are opposing the other party, when in fact, they are all a part of the same thing.

That is the World Economic Forum, United Nations and World Health Organisation attack on us and efforts to get rid of our farmers and destroy our energy sector.


Wade Northausen
Billboard Battalion
Northern Victoria
Thursday 14, March 2024

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