Cataclysm of Rome, Part 1: The Council of Nicaea

1 year ago

Was the Council of Nicaea a triumph of Christianity over internal heresy? Or was it something else altogether. Does the history of the Fall of Rome give us insight into what was really going on in the centuries after Christ walked the earth? This study may shake the foundations of Christianity. Join me.

(00:00) Introduction
(03:35) Start/Preface
(06:57) Prophecies Against Rome
(09:31) Plagued with Disaster
(17:21) The Attack of the Arians
(29:44) Quartodecimanism
(32:03) The Council of Nicaea 325 A.D.
(37:22) Homoousian
(46:37) Conversion of the Barbarians
(50:14) Timelines of the Fall
(52:44) Kingdom of the Lombards
(53:17) Conclusions

Notes: http://localhost/biblescribe/study/cataclysm-of-rome-part-1-nicaea.php

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