Myron Fagan - Red Stars Over Hollywood

6 months ago

In the mid 1940's Myron Fagan launched a one-man crusade against what he claimed was a "Red Conspiracy in Hollywood." Out of this crusade would come the Cinema Educational Guild. The culmination of this crusade would be the 1947 congressional hearings where more than 300 famous stars, writers, and directors from Hollywood, Radio, and TV were investigated, many of whom were blacklisted as Communists. These hearings resulted in the imprisonment of the Hollywood Ten.

I heard some of Fagan's recordings a few years ago, but had no idea that his efforts resulted into such a great defence of liberty.
His explaination of how the dumbed-down, profane people don't understand that they have to defend their country from enemies within.
Wow, what a classic hero! Then came Yuri Bezmenov exposing the red, secret society methods of subversion and demoralization the American people. Then came William Cooper exposing the source of communism and fascism and the constant battle the free minded must wage against the Mystery School cult from before Babylon.
I know there are many who stand up for their free speech and the places overrun by this cult kill of imprison them all the time. They truly are the WICKED and have traded their own will to the cult for the security of the cults secret take-over of the world.
Two hours of talk needs to be transcribed and posted.

"Freedom is far from free while the world-wide, Mystery-School cult slithers in from all shadows"
James Sidaway

In 1930; Mr. Fagan came to Hollywood where he served as Writer Director with Pathe Pictures, Inc., then owned by Joseph P. Kennedy, father of the late President Jack Kennedy, and also at 20th Century Fox, and other Hollywood Film Studios, but he also continued in the Broadway legitimate field.

In 1945, at the urgent request of John T. Flynn (the famous author of The Roosevelt Myth, While We Slept, and The True Story of Pearl Harbor ), Mr. Fagan attended a meeting in Washington D.C. where he was shown a set of micro-films and recordings of the SECRET meetings at Yalta attended only by Franklin Roosevelt, Alger Hess, Harry Hopkins, Stalin, Molotov, and Vishinsky when they hatched the plot to deliver the Balkans, Eastern Europe and Berlin to Stalin. As a result of that viewing, Mr. Fagan wrote two plays: Red Rainbow (in which he revealed that entire plot) and Thieves Paradise (in which he revealed how those men plotted to create the United Nations to be the “housing” for a so-called Communist, One-World Government).

At the same time; Mr. Fagan launched a one man crusade to unmask the Red Conspiracy in Hollywood which had set about to produce films that would aid that One World Governement plot. Out of that came into being the Cinema Educational Guild. As a result of the work of the CEG headed by Mr. Fagan in 1947 came the congressional hearings at which more than 300 famous stars, writers, and directors from Hollywood, Radio, and TV were unmasked as the chief activists of the Red Conspiracy. That was when the infamous “Hollywood Ten” were sent to prison. It was the most sensational event of the decade.

From that time on, Mr. Fagan has devoted all of his time and efforts to writing monthly News Bulletins for CEG in which he has kept up the fight to alert the American people to the plot to destroy the sovereignty of the United States of America and the ensuing enslavement of the American people in a United Nations’ One World Government.

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