Arrow Class Genesis 41:29-31

11 months ago

Arrow Class Genesis 41:29-31

God was telling Pharaoh that there will be 7 years of abundance followed by 7 years of famine. But the famine will be so bad that all the abundance will be forgotten! Today let’s read Genesis 41:29-31 and grab 14 small cups and some cereal. One by one fill the first 7 cups until the cereal is at the top. Then only put a few pieces of cereal in the last 7 cups. Point out the cups representing the 7 years of plenty then the cups representing the 7 years of famine and how there are different amounts.

“Seven years of great abundance are coming throughout the land of Egypt, but seven years of famine will follow them. Then all the abundance in Egypt will be forgotten, and the famine will ravage the land. The abundance in the land will not be remembered, because the famine that follows it will be so severe.”
Genesis 41:29-31

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