Falling Gracefully by Greg Vail Jazz with Dave Murdy - My favorite performance to date.

10 months ago

Falling Gracefully by Greg Vail Jazz with Dave Murdy - My favorite performance to date. https://youtu.be/SvOorhCclDU?feature=shared - every solo is great, the feel is pretty perfect, the sound is awesome. Greg Vail Jazz, Live from Campus Jax, Ernie Nunez, Herman Mathews, Marc Hugenberger, Greg Vail, Dave Murdy, greg vail jazz, greg vail, goyo, goyo saxo, greg vail sax, greg vail saxophones, Dave Murdy, Dave Murdy Guitar, yamaha, yamaha saxophones, campus jax, campus jax jazz, steamers jazz at jax, live music, live jazz, Dave Murdy, Dave Murdy Guitar, orange county clubs, orange county music, orange county jazz, flute, sax player, yamaha saxophone artist, yamaha sax artist, yamaha saxophone artist #gregvailjazz #gregvail #goyo #goyosaxo #gregvailsax #gregvailsaxophones #yamaha #yamahasaxophones #campusjax #campusjaxjazz #steamersjazzatjax #livemusic #livejazz #orangecountyclubs #orangecountymusic #orangecountyjazz #fluteplayer #flute #yamahaartist #yamahasaxartist #yamahasaxophoneartist #davemurdy #davemurdyguitar

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