More on TikTok

1 year ago

EVERYONE needs to listen to what this man is saying, and let it soak in. 🎯🎯🎯💯💯💯


You are being viciously GASLIT & LIED TO about this bill, and it’s TRUE SINISTER intentions.

They will go after TikTok now, and once that gets support THEY WILL COME AFTER X, TRUTH SOCIAL, TELEGRAM, GAB you name it…it’s only a matter of TIME.

Important to note, hidden language in this bill gives the President unilateral capability to BAN ANY APP OR WEBSITE in the name of “protecting National Security”.

They have long pushed this narrative that TikTok is “saving your data” and sending it to the CCP etc. Well, if you have a smartphone or device of ANY kind that connects to the internet with your personal information, I hate you break it to you, they ALREADY HAVE YOUR INFORMATION.

That is NOTHING more than a SCARE TACTIC.

The reason I’m hitting on this SO HARD, is because it is ESSENTIAL that you understand what is REALLY going on here.

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