"Baby Girl Stuck In The Fridge"

7 years ago

"Babies are quite the explorers! Only instead of exploring the world, babies explore every corner of the house. The baby from our video roamed around the kitchen and found that strange device called refrigerator. However, mid-exploring this COOL home appliance, the baby toddler got stuck! Yup, this adorable little girl entered the refrigerator, climbed up on the first shelf but being too small and obviously scared, she stayed there until her mom saved her. Well, every expedition must come to an end. Mom came and rescued our little explorer from the terrors of the refrigerator. Just hilarious!nThis little munchkin will be able to continue her home adventures as soon as she overcomes the fear of steps! She is far too small to be coming up and down the stairs, which is the reason she couldn’t exit the refrigerator. For now, this little explorer needs a help from her mom, but we bet that soon she’ll be ready for some solo adventures!"

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