DNI: Xi Jinping to Escalate Taiwan, Pacific Military Ops in 2024

6 months ago

03/11/2024 [Senate Intelligence Committee’s hearing on worldwide threats] Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines: In 2024, amidst internal economic challenges and external pressures, President Xi is expected to intensify military actions in Taiwan and the Western Pacific. CCP's focus on technological self-reliance and geopolitical power projection drives its efforts to advance military capabilities, with a particular emphasis on intimidating neighbors and shaping regional dynamics. This underscores the CCP's insistence on military expansion in the coming year despite the economic.
03/11/2024 【参议院情报委员会全球威胁听证会】国家情报总监埃夫丽尔·海恩斯:2024年,在内部经济挑战和外部压力之下,预计习近平主席将加强在台湾和西太平洋地区的军事行动。中共致力于技术自主和地缘政治力量投射,推动其军事能力的发展,特别强调恐吓邻国和影响地区动态。这凸显了中共在经济不景气的情况下仍坚持在未来一年进行军事扩张的决心。

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