11 months ago

Psalm 107:6 New King James Version
6 Then they cried out to the LORD in their trouble,
And He delivered them out of their distresses.


I've read this Psalm quite a few times my friends, and every time I do read it, I am so reminded of the fact that I can cry out to God when I'm going through something stressful, scary, or yes frightening, and know that God hears me. I was especially challenged not just through what I've read in this morning’s scripture, but also through the questions from this morning's devotional, in particular I was really encouraged, by the promises that God gives throughout scripture that He will not only hear our cries, but that He beyond delivers us from whatever we are going through. I'd like to share these questions from this morning's devotional, because they really encouraged me in this area, and I believe that they will do the same for you too. Please read these questions carefully, and I pray that God will challenge and encourage your hearts through them.

How has God shown Himself faithful when you’re in distress?

How have you recognized His presence during difficult times?

Tonight, my friends, I'd like to share some things God showed me from his word this morning, through this vlog I'd like to share with all of you tonight, and I pray that what I share with you encourages you to see that you can trust in the faithful God, who will hear your cries, deliver you, and put you in that broad/safe place that you need to be in. Come join me in this vlog tonight my friends and learn about the God who hears your cries of distress and will never let you down! 😊

So, my friends, as I close this post with all of you tonight, I really pray that you'll think about these questions, and I pray that if you're going through the suffocating fears from a challenging medical diagnosis, maybe the loss of a job, a toxic family member who tells you they've never loved you, uncertainty about the future, or any type of stressful, or traumatic situation, that you will know right now, that you can cry out to almighty God, He WILL not only hear you, but will answer you, and deliver you and be there for you in ways that you could never ever imagine. It may not be a dramatic rescue, where it may not be instantaneous relief from your situation, but God will be there for you by your side, and you will never need to fear anything that Satan may put against you. God knows your situation and will never abandon you at all! Rest in that knowledge, and don't be afraid to cry out to Him!



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