The Meticulous Sovereignty of God’s Promises | Galatians 3:15-16

11 months ago

To give a human example, brothers: even with a man-made covenant, no one annuls it or adds to it once it has been ratified. Now the promises were made to Abraham and to his offspring. It does not say, “And to offsprings,” referring to many, but referring to one, “And to your offspring,” who is Christ. — Galatians 3:15-16

CALL OUT: Shout out to Adam Wallace from Chesapeake, VA, who is launching his own independent group for men in his community. We love and support you and we are praying for you.

Two things stand out to me from this text:

First, God makes unchanging covenants rooted in his unchanging character.

Second, God fulfills covenants down to the letter, underscoring his meticulous sovereignty.

In our world of shifting alliances and broken promises, it's hard to grasp the nature of this type of covenant. The truth we hear is mostly subjective; therefore, trust is ever-changing. We see this in courtroom dramas and political debates. We are drowned in conflicting narratives telling us different truths, leaving us wondering who to listen to and believe.

But with God, covenants are different. It's hard for our minds to comprehend this. Therefore, naturally, we make assumptions and conclusions that are varying degrees off. The Judaizers in Galatia are slightly off in their understanding of God's covenant and promise. It was a covenant through one man, one offspring, and one seed—Jesus. It was not through righteous "men" but a righteous "man" that the blessing of the covenant would be realized for all men. It was made possible through Jesus by faith. The same faith that Abraham had in the future blessing that would come through him to all men.

This is what is so spectacular about faith in God. His meticulous sovereignty and unending character are etched into every covenant he makes down the letter. This makes him unlike man and, therefore, trustworthy in the purest sense of that word. This means he is worthy of all your faith.

So abandon your life to him in faith today. He is trustworthy.

#GodsUnchangingPromises #MeticulousSovereignty #TrustworthyFaith #CovenantalFaithfulness #AbrahamToChrist


How does understanding the unchanging nature of God's covenants affect the way you perceive and trust His promises in your own life?
In what areas of your life do you struggle to fully trust God's meticulous sovereignty, and how can you actively surrender those areas to Him in faith today?
DO THIS: Abandon your life to Jesus in faith.

PRAY THIS: Father, thank You for Your unchanging character and the meticulous way You fulfill Your promises. Help me to trust in Your sovereignty and surrender all areas of my life to Your faithful care. Amen.

PLAY THIS: Abandoned

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