Jesus, Jonah & the Great American Eclipse

6 months ago

A careful study from Assyriologist Donald Wiseman indicates Jonah’s warnings to the city of Nineveh in ancient Assyria fits the timeframe of a total solar eclipse on June 15, 763BC
Could Jonah’s warnings be followed with a blacked-out sun?

The repentance of an entire pagan city the size of Nineveh would be a greater miracle than for Jonah to survive getting swallowed by a fish.

Fast forward to the Gospels, when the pharisees petitioned Jesus for a sign in Matthew 12, He responded “An evil and adulterous generation craves a sign. Yet no sign will be given to it except the sign of the prophet Jonah”

America is on the cusp of its 2nd solar eclipse in 7 years but there are extremely eerie patterns that defy the word coincidence, such as the 2nd eclipse will pass through 7 cities named Nineveh.

Combine both these areas where the 2 eclipses pass, and it forms an X pattern directly across the continental U.S.

This 2nd eclipse is on April 8th, open Exodus 4:8 & we see the following:

“Then the Lord said, “If they do not believe you or pay attention to the first sign, they may believe the second”

Keep in mind there is no word in Hebrew for coincidence…..perhaps with very good reason

Please consider joining us for this exploration in the Heavens alongside the telescopic lens outlined from scripture in

Jesus, Jonah & the Great American Eclipse

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