11 months ago

A collection of snippets for your consideration.
📌 "All wars are carefully staged World Order productions". Contrived and orchestrated. All ideologies are Rothschild creations. They want you to believe in one, so that you can fight believers in one of their other ideologies, instead of fighting them." - Eustace Mullins (1923 - 2010)

▸ “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.” ― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

▸ "Control your mind or it will be controlled for you." - Napoleon Hill

▸ "Everybody's after money and power." - Eustace Mullins

▸"There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn’t true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.” – Søren Kierkegaard

Snippet OUTLINE:
🕞▸00:00 ➤ Intro: (Song: Sorry -- Artist: Tin Machine w/ David Bowie)
🕞▸00:30 ➤ History in memes: 'What is love...' the Jim Carrey edition
🕞▸04:34 ➤ Jacob Rothschild, 4th Baron - ( 29 April 1936 - 26 February 2024)
🕞▸30:32 ➤ What really happened on October 7th and how Israel lied about it. - (Scott Ritter)
🕞▸31:47 ➤ 'Usury' The real reason the Jews would kill Jesus all over again... - Brother Nathanael
🕞▸35:40 ➤ How many Billionaires does it take to buy a government? Answer: Three - by Brother Nathanael (2018)
🕞▸43:07 ➤ The speech from Malcolm X that they don't want you to hear all you have to do is start talking about Jews and you'll find all the papers will close up on you. Jews control 80% of the economy in negro communities.
🕞▸45:02 ➤ Man Discovers that the nation of Islam was started by slave owners...
🕞▸51:21 ➤ Michael Joseph Jackson (King of pop) (August 29, 1958 – June 25, 2009)
They don't care about us...
🕞▸53:19 ➤ Candace Owens suggests that secret Jewish gangs are controlling and killing people in Hollywood using their Jewishness as a shield.
🕞▸55:36 ➤ Schmuley is the same Rabbi who attacked Michael Jackson after his death by releasing an attack book slandering MJ and going on TV pushing MJ was bad.
🕞▸58:18 ➤ Ari Shaffir on Jews designing every aspect of the Rap industry - Listen to them at the end trying to convince themselves that it's all a good thing...
🕞▸59:17 ➤ Jewish pornographer explains how Jews have controlled the 'Porn' Industry 'from the beginning'
🕞▸1:06:22 ➤ Scholar says Pedophelia is now a sexual orientation that must be accepted by members of society...
(To me, this is an attempt to glorify and celebrate mental illness - I can't proper grownups argue for irrational things.)
🕞▸1:08:43 ➤ Joe Rogan explodes over the term 'Minor-Attracted Person' We're talking pedophiles this idea that you are going to minimize the harm caused by evil criminals who steal and ruin children's lives... it's ludicrous.
🕞▸1:11:06 ➤ Celestial Event April 8th, 2024 - Solar Eclipse
🕞▸1:14:10 ➤ Hear what Gene Ho says about it... the eclipse also goes through a town called "Herod" IL
🕞▸1:16:16 ➤ 4-minute Supercut: liberal reporters on CBC take apart everything wrong with Justin Trudeau and his liberal clown cabinet...
🕞▸1:20:56 ➤ Emmanuel Macron before he was selected- oops, elected to lead France
🕞▸1:22:11 ➤ Meet the Lubavitcher Rebbe - Judaism's most impactful Rabbi unpacked
🕞▸1:31:24 ➤ FIN (Song: Love Conquers All -- Artist: Joe Lynn Turner - Former Lead Vocal for Deep Purple)

🔥 Video clips and snippets sourced from various platforms: X/Twitter, Telegram, Rumble, Odysee, Bitchute, Youtube...

💊 "PLZ... It is important to perform your due diligence and verify information before making any decisions. Do not rely solely on others' opinions or claims, and always conduct your own research to ensure accuracy and validity. (📝Trivium - 📚Quadrivium)"😇Thank you." 👍

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