Documentary: Vancouver & Canada Are Dying + Special Feature | Aaron Gunn

6 months ago

This is a conglomeration put together of Aaron Gunn's two excellent Documentaries about How, Why, and Where My/Our/Yours/NorthAmericas, Country of Canada is literally Dying, due to it's Psychopathic Radicalized Brainwashed Public that believe helping Severe Drug Addiction through clean enablement is Providing a Safe Haven for Said Drug Addicts and thus is somehow the Answer to Solving this 30 year+ long mega term Problem (I.E Duration of My Entire Life) that has conversely somehow never ever gotten better or improved in any City, Town or Jurisdiction that has been infected with the Mass Acceptance and use of Severe Hardcore Drug Addiction....Among Other Addictions.....

Tyler Oliveira, who is a independent Youtuber also made a Video about the Disgusting Degeneracy that is allowed (For 40 years+) to subsist in Vancouver and most other large cities across Canada. Oliveira captures the absolute Truth, Deceit, Decadence & Overall Bane of the Situation.....

I have put these 3 videos together in hopes that maybe even one Canadian wakes up and see's the Truth, Thus said all the people on the street Whining and Fixing only for their next high, should be permanently removed form our Society.

This Video Retains: Politics Explained Two Separate Documentaries, Produced By Aaron Gunn
Canada Is Dying
Vancouver Is Dying

With a Special Ending Feature From Prominent Youtuber "Tyler Oliveira"
I Investigated The Country Where Every Drug Is Legal.

If You are a Canadian and see how far gone our Country has become, Please Rip and Redistribute.

Aaron Gunn:

Tyler Oliveira:

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