Lawfare is Satan’s Favorite Weapon Against God’s People Before Jesus Returns – Revelation 13

10 months ago

3/15/24 "Demonic Lawfare" part 3 S4E8p3
What comes to your mind when you think of the number 666? We find that number in Revelation chapter 13 and it's tied to the infamous “mark of the beast,” which Biblically speaking is the worst thing that can ever happen to you. So you're probably not thinking good things about that number, but are you thinking lawfare about that number? Because it turns out when you understand prophecy properly, that lawfare and the mark of the beast are not separate issues at all. Today on Something's Happening Here we are concluding our discussion on lawfare that we've been having all week long, and we are doing so prophetically. So make sure to put on your Prophecy Hats and join me for an in-depth look at Revelation chapter 13. May God bless you.
For our eighth episode of Season Four, again we have an off-format week, with only three shows: Monday, Wednesday, Friday. And we’ll be looking at the deeper dimensions of what is being called “lawfare” in the United States today.

Season 4 Episode 8
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