The Historical Church Used Demonic Lawfare Dressed in God’s Law Against its Enemies

11 months ago

3/13/24 "Demonic Lawfare" part 2 S4E8p2
Generally, friends, when you think about going to church you don't think that you're going to die before you come home again. And yet, historically speaking, the church has not always been a place of love and joy and tolerance. If you go back in time far enough – I'm talking 17th century and before – the church could very well end your life, depending on how you lived that life and whether or not you came into conflict with the church around you. Welcome to our second installment of the week-long discussion of “lawfare.” We're going to talk about lawfare as it relates to the law of God. What is the purpose for which God gave us his law? Is it to use as a weapon against one another? What does the Bible say? What does the world say? All that and more, today on Something's Happening Here. May God bless you. Welcome to the show.
For our eighth episode of Season Four, again we have an off-format week, with only three shows: Monday, Wednesday, Friday. And we’ll be looking at the deeper dimensions of what is being called “lawfare” in the United States today.

Season 4 Episode 8
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