Goalkeeping with Michael

7 years ago

Goalkeeping with Michael. Watch Michael as Goalkeeper for his team Perth AFC Under 7's at the ProFutsal centre in Bibra Lake, Perth, Western Australia. Michael enjoys playing futsal/soccer/football, and is excited by the opportunity to be goalkeeper in this match. Some nice saves follow and you can see how much he is enjoying himself! This was Michaels first time as Goalkeeper for his team and the delight on his face is visible throughout the video.
'Pro Futsal, Perth’s most prestigious Futsal competition organiser formerly known as WA State Futsal, was established in June 2013 and opened the doors for Western Australia’s first and only dedicated Futsal centre.

Pro Futsal Australia provides unique opportunities for people of all ages and skill levels to participate in Futsal, from grassroots through to elite local, national and international competitions
Futsal is a high intensity, fast paced, dynamic, non-violent and enjoyable 5-a-side version of football that caters for both male and female participants. It is the only 5-a-side version of football officially recognised by FIFA, and is one of the fastest growing sports in the world.

Futsal is played on a smaller, hard-court surface and usually indoors, making it the perfect sport for all weather conditions.

Due to the smaller court size, all players are constantly involved and there is never a dull moment, as defence transforms to attack in a split second. The small court size also helps players develop close control, quick decision making and speed and agility.' Source: https://www.profutsal.com.au/

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