Found In Woods🚨Africa🚨Soo These are not Real?🚨Reptilian Hybrid Baby🚨Explain This🚨

11 months ago

Found In Woods In Africa
The whole village came out to look
They were hunting for the parents
This is another race
Like they have homo sapien, Sapien, a.k.a. human beings
Well…… Apparently there are still other races about
Just like the Giants
The cyclops
The dragon
There are a lot of species that we think and are taught that are not here, but they are

One thing I know about humans they lie
Especially ones with power
It’s time we learn our true history
And what we are really facing

Question everything
This appears to be a human hybrid
What do you think?

A demon
Lizard person?
Was David Icke right?!
The guy he said he was the son of God?
Apparently he’s right about the Reptilians
So we’re all the other whistleblowers
Humantrafficking, including are the forefront in money, making these days

Just like we tried to erase all of the other nine races or eight races that we are taught that were on this earth one homo sapien, Sapien, a.k.a. humans came about now they are trying to wave, homo sapien, Sapien, a.k.a. humans out as well, so don’t get mad because we did it first👀🤦🏼‍♂️😒🤨

So A human and reptile hybrid?
Or A reptilian Baby?
I just have to say that I got questions!!!

People told me these things are not real
What do you think?

Are you going to believe your eyes or are you going to listen to their lies?

Look for yourself

🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨MUST WATCH💯🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨

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#timetravel #secrets #TheBestKeptSecretOfFreemasonry #oaths #oath #upon #death #dead #dying #died #killed #murdered #sacrifice #murder #killing #killer #killers #murderers #dumbs #dumb #hidden #hide #hid #secretsocities #secretorganizations #blackbudget #offbooks #world #rulers #controllers #masters #slaves #forsaken Talmudicteachings #leaderofisrael #BenjaminNotAJew #admits #israelis #practices #thebook #TheBabylonianTalmud #Talmud #talmudic #talmudicjews #jews #jew #jewish #Lucifarian #Lucifariandoctrine #mustwatch #Israel #hamas #lies #real #TheBabylonianTalmud #TheBook #honest #JudaismmixedwithLucifarian #JudeoChristian #evangelist #perpetrators #liars, #thieves #pedophiles #murdered #civilians #killed #weirdos #gay #horrendous #bioweapon #aka #vaccine #vaccinedeaths #vaccineinjuries #deaths #children #Massachusetts #Minnesota #Recordleveldata #GovernmentVaccinedata #ID2020 #BillGates #Gatesfoundation #Gavi #UN #WHO #WEF #Bribery #Grants #Loans #Payoffs #Rich #bureaucrats #Lobbyist #Billionaires #Are #Responsible #Fakemedia #Propaganda #War #Information #Secrets #Lies #Exposed #magnetic #injections #magneticshots #magneticpeople #5thgen #warfare #AI #ArtificialInteligence #propaganda #censorship #censor #censors #censoring #censored #license #indefinitely #suspended #for #exposing #the #truth #hero #pay #attention #to #the #magneticlady #key #sticks #to #chest #wtf #bobbingpin #sticks #to #her #neck #omg #wtf #wow #insane #amazing #scary #weird #nightmare #magnets #magnetic #magnetics #robots #metal #metalinblood #metalblood #metalparticles #deadly #dangerous #nazi #experiment #experimenting #experiments #humanexperimenting #humanexperiments #humanexperiment #humantesting #testingonhumans #madscientist #madscientists #billionaire #billionaires #millionaire #millionaires #trillionaire #trillionaires #rich #superrich #elite #cult #satanists #satanic #awaken #with #russellbrand #stevekirsch #stayfree #substack #levelrecorddata #official #real #honest #data #datadump #datadrop #whistleblower #came #foward #in #nz #and #was #arrested #datadeleted #kevinmckernan #datastolen #terabyte #erased #dna #Manipulation #Deletion #whistleblower #stevekirsh #Coverup #Hiding #Hidden #Hide #Ignore #Run #Takeoff #Haulass #Escaping #Escape #Escaped #Escapes #Seeing #Looking #Acknowledging #Death #Count #Data #drvernoncoleman #uk #vernoncoleman #dr #doctor #march2023 #truth #lies #and #punishments #google #Wikipedia #wiki #kiwi #kiwifarms #targeted #discredited #hero #truthteller #honest #novelist #author #journalist #news #breakingnews #breaking #prophesies #Guessed #calledit #was #right #called #it #punished #punish #punishments #punishment #spite #petty #childish #harrasment #names #and #data #on #deaths #and #all #the #new #syndromes #syndrome #after #vaccine #post #bioweapon #administered #poison #deadly #concoction #dangerous #vaccines #bioweapons #adverse #reactions #yellowcard #uk #cdc #america #vaers #studies #study #excess #deaths #in2023 #medical #proven #data #unbelievable #damning #horrible #scary #horrendous #insane #sad #apocalyptic #revelations #prophecy #sins #greed #trusting #too #much #men #women #children #omg #kids #all #gone #morbid #youtubeshorts #youtubeshort #short #shorts #shortvideo #shortsvideo #viral #viralvideo #viralvideos #trending #trendingshort #trendingvideo #viralshort #viralshorts #trendingshorts #premiere #excessdeaths2023 #predictions #hope #not #I #pray #for #you #all #blessyou #hope #God #truth #UK #USA #IRE #NZ #more #countries #all #age #groups #dying #above #average #everyday #alarming #nhs #nih #cdc #fda #uk #version #great #truthful #doctor #JohnCampbell #PlandemicTreaty #who #wef #collusion #attorney #International #National #local #IHR #regulations #Unconstitutional #Absurd #Ridiculous #Insane #Dystopian #Constitutionalrepublic #Never #Ever #A #democracy #Democrat #republican #Democrats #Republicans #Neocon #Neocons #Unicons #Unicon #uniparties #uniparty #bias #Lying #Cheating #Disgusting #Moneyhungry #Degenerate #Deplorable #Democratic #Fake #Republic #Lying #Liars #Phony #Actors #in #congress #hearing #judge #nominees #hard #question #thatswhatyousaid #stuttering #backtracking #backpeddling #america #dictatorship #dictator #control #controlled #corporations #Billionaires #Onepercent #Money #Finance #Financial #Rich #Millionaires #GettingRich #Slaves #Slavery #Slave #Indenturedservant #Indenturedservantism #Taxes #Tax #Taxation #Blackmail #Bribery #Insidertrading #Stockmanipulation #Lies #Liars #Lying #Thieves #Theft #Thieving #Tyrant #Tyrants #Tyrannical #Tyrannous #Tierney #Cheating #Cheat #Cheater #Cheaters #Stocks #Bonds #Debt #Corporation #Corporate #Congress #senate #House #Republicans #Democrats #uniparty #Neocons #Neocon #Protests #Immigrants #Protesting #Immigration #Protesters #Migrants #Illegal #Unconstitutional #Rules #Law #Laws #Mandates #Mandate #Mandating #Shots #Shot #Vaccine #Vaccines #VAX #Vaccineinjury #Vaccineinjuries #vaxinjury #vaxinjuries #Lie #Deception #Deceiving #Deceive #Deceivers #Honest #Honesty #Honestly #Stolen #Stole #Stealing #Stealers #Theft #thefts #Murder #Murderer #Murderers #Murdering #Innocent #Innocence #Innocents #Kill #Killing #Killer #Killers #Justice #Peace #War #Genocide #Extinction #Exterminating #Exterminate #Exterminator #Extermination #US #Military #Militaryindustrialcomplex #BigPharma #clotshot #Clot #Bloodclot #Bloodclots #Death #Dying #Die #Dead #Gone #Forever #Buried #RIP #Truth #Truther #Truths #True #Truce #Programming #Subtle #Cautiously #Hypnotize #Hypnotizing #Hypnotized #World #Earth #Soul #Souls #Necessity #Necessary #Survive #Survival #Surviving #Survivalist #Survivor #Survivalists #Survivors #Savior #JesusChrist #Lord #God #Subscribe #Follow #Growth #Important #Awake #Awaken #Wakeup #psyop #Openyoureyes #listen #Look #Around #Nature #Animals #Humans #Plants #Peace #donotcomply #Resist #Fight #Revolution #now #TFTPODCAST

🚨Deep underground military base sector 🚨
🚨First podcast coming soon🚨

- T.F.T.

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