History of the Frankfurt School. Political Corectness is a Marxist Weapon Used to Destroy Society

11 months ago

History of the Frankfurt School. Political Corectness is a Marxist Weapon Used to Destroy Society From Within
March 8, 2024
Conservative Citizens' Foundation
Barry Rogue The Night Rider
Mirrored From:
Critical Theory
Source: Council of Conservative Citizens
Political Correctness: The Frankfurt School Story.
What Was the Frankfurt School?
Produced by the Conservative Citizens' Foundation
Introduction Narrated by William Rolen, M.A.
Introduction Written by Brent Nelson, Ph.D .
The Frankfurt School was an influential group of theorists who inspired a successful movement of applied Marxism.
In his own lifetime, Karl Marx attempted to apply his theories in revolutionary action. When Marx published Communist Manifesto in 1848, a leader of Communist League. These early communists failed in their revolutionary attempt. Marx fled into exile, wrote Capital (1867) & other works.
First school of applied Marxism was Revisionist Marxism, founded by Eduard Bernstein. Revisionists advocated revolution through parliamentary gradualism. Their tradition endures in Social Democratic parties of Western Europe. Marx himself rejected the Social Democrats.
Most famous are the Soviet Marxists, Marxists who as Bolsheviks seized control of Russia in 1917.. Marxist- Leninists.
Frankfurt School through its Institut fuer Sozialforschung, founded in 1923 at Germany's University of Frankfurt, developed a type of applied Marxism different from Revisionist Marxism & Soviet Marxism. Frankfurt School developed Freudo-Marxism, synthesized theories of Sigmund Freud & Karl Marx into one corrosive, subversive force directed against Western Civilization.
Marxism after Marx, died in 1883, developed in response to failures of Marx's prophecies. Revisionist Marxism arose when working class failed to become poorer & more militant, as Marx had predicted. Marx predicted that workers would develop a sense of international solidarity, come to see they had no fatherlands. When world war erupted in 1914, workers first saw themselves as Germans, Frenchmen, Englishmen, etc. Marxism triumph came out of WWI: the Bolshevik seizure of power in 1917. Bolsheviks or Leninists said that revolution had failed in Western Europe 'cause capitalists in those nations had bribed their workers with loot stolen from their colonies.
If revolution did not arise everywhere, according to Lenin it could only be because of colonialism and imperialism. (In late 1930's, term "racism" was added.)
Bolshevism briefly seized power in Hungary and Bavaria in 1919, but soon lost it. In Italy, Marxism suffered even more stunning defeat: A former revisionist Marxist, Mussolini, became a renegade, developed his own variety of nationalistic socialism, which he called fascism (after the fasces, symbol of state power in ancient Rome). Fascists totally suppressed Marxism.
Founders of the Institut observing fascism in 1923 were quite alarmed. How could the working class go so wrong? Why did so many workers behave in an irrational manner?
They concluded that mass psychology of workers had to be considered. They believed new theory of psychoanalysis, Freudianism, with its emphasis on irrational impulses & drives, would help explain why workers had accepted fascism.
Frankfurt School had some links with Soviet Marxism, notably through Georg Lukacs (born Loewinger), a Stalinist, they largely followed their own line of development. They were enabled to penetrate into center of consciousness of U.S through mass media & certain areas of higher education.
Until 1933, however, Frankfurt School was active only in Germany. Rise to power of Hitler, another national socialist, whose movement was even more ethnocentric than that of Mussolini, forced Frankfurt School into exile. They moved en masse to U.S. and established Institute for Social Research at Columbia University..
Narrator: Thank you for watching this special program on the Frankfurt School. You have now been awakened to the true Marxist-Frankfurt School conspiracy which has poisoned the minds of millions of Americans and has gradually pushed our once great republic to the brink of totalitarianism.
By exploiting the legal system and the Federal Courts, Frankfurt School operatives have successfully oppressed the White Middle Class and substituted genuine liberties with enforced equality. Federal laws directed against discrimination have penalized White Americans for expressing opinions and beliefs which reflect the intentions of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson and the Founding Fathers who forged a once great Republic.

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