Is Visualization safe for Christians? Or is there a dark side to this practice that many see as simply a mental exercise?

11 months ago

How is Christianity being led into the practices used by "New Agers" , and the methods Spiritism, occultists & ancient "mystery religions" used past and present to connect with deceiving spirits & false gods/goddesses since ancient times!? This video provides stunning evidence that many of God's people are using methods known for contacting spirit guides (as "Jesus", saints etc) & that preachers are (in many cases unknowingly) encouraging it as they try to help their congregations with their emotional wellbeing !

Are Christians bringing demonic things (or spirits!) into the church through the use of pagan and occult practices? How is the use of visualization practices among Christians proof of a Prophetic Word coming to pass?

Forbidden practices of Yoga (and other false religion practices), Labyrinths, "manifesting", "The Secret", Lucid "dreams", spirit guides , spirit travel, occult practices and more are being used by Christians in increasing measure, as false teachers and well meaning believers who are ignorant of Satan's devices spread these practices throughout the churches.

A prophetic Word given almost 40 years ago is being fulfilled all around us as I write this. Not only is the US experiencing God's increasing *judgments as a result of Christian involvement in pagan and occult practices, but Christians are often completely unaware that they are engaging in anything pagan or 'occult' at all !

The Lord gave Kathleen a Prophetic Word for the United States in late 1986 to early 1987 warning that God's people were repeating the sins of Israel, & the backslidings of Israel in the Land of Canaan. The Lord warned her that like Israel, God's people in America had forgotten His Words, intermarried with pagans, and adopted their customs, practices and gods. Not only have we adopted pagan customs (laws), practices, and gods, but the Lord said that just as He judged Israel, in the same way He is judging us, unless we repent as a nation!
The video that gives warning to America of this Prophetic Word is available for viewing in the videos section of this channel, and as a featured video on the main channel page.

In this video, Kathleen discusses the practice of visualization specifically, identifying the difference between normal use of the imagination, vs the New Age/ occult/spiritism/witchcraft uses of imagination, otherwise referred to as visualization - a pagan spiritual practice, which God clearly forbids in His Word.

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