Old Souls, Connections, Support, Ancient Messages, QFS, Eclipses 03-13-24

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Crystallia spoke first of the many old souls here anchoring this ascension, and always of love! Then Brysentia spoke about Ancient texts, flat earth, and wars are over. Lastly, Albayon spoke about the Eclipses and the massive influx of energy.
Links and questions

Link to RUMBLE


Questions for Crystallia

27:35- What similarities or differences are there between crystalline beings and the cloud beings that have been helping to detox and clean our atmosphere?

30:34- Have you heard about the keys of Hanoch book? Could you say anything about that book and messages.

33:15- If the frequency on earth has been raised – why does it seem to be so many selfish people on earth and what will happen to them?

Questions for Brysentia

58:24- Some of us are facing eviction – How to stay in the high vibration and any updates regarding the financial status?

1:04:57- When we ascend will we be able to use our gadgets in the houses and how will our lives look like?

1:07:00- Are there med beds designed for animals like cats and dogs?

1:11:04- Is it possible to fix the earths tilt so there is always beautiful weather on all continents?

1:11:48- Can a being that has walked among us, please explain why people still argue over the Round/Flat Earth delima?

1:19:21- For people with severe OCD or Phobias, what do you see as the most beneficial healing solutions that can help rewire the brain ? Are electromagnetic frequency therapies like PEMF, or psilocybin (found in psychedelic mushrooms) things to look into? Are there new modalities we will be finding out about ?

1:25:38- Will the Eclipse next month last for 3-5 days?

1:26:00- Is the Earth splitting into 2, a higher and a lower frequency to allow all to go where they resonate? Or are all going to 5D?

Questions for Albayon

1:42:39- When will Trudeau, Freeland and the Cabal liberals be gone? We can’t take much more.

1:44.08- I am curious about Mantis beings and the Praying Mantis insect on earth. What is the connection between the two? Are there benevolent and malevolent Mantis beings in the Universe? Why do the praying mantis insect females eat the males?

1:46:55- Simon Parks has indicated the election is still going to happen in November. Do you still see the November election not happening and the disclosures we are all waiting and praying for happening sooner? Thank you.

1:49:36- Do extra-terrestrials have egos and/or chakras like humans have?

1:51:10- I like to know, can I live in two timeline at the same time. And can the other timeline has a different outcome?

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