OP2403-8-3 After Action Report

6 months ago

OP2403-8-3 After Action report (Written by Google Gemini)
After Action Report (AAR)
Operation: Secure Northwest Chernarus

Unit: 3rd Battalion, Chernarus 20th Separate Mechanized Cavalry Regiment

1. Situation

a. Enemy Forces: Local levies, Wagner Group mercenaries, Russian Naval Infantry, Spanish militia, and Russian militia.

b. Friendly Forces: 3rd Battalion with attached armor and air support.

c. Terrain: Flat with three villages (Yashkul', Yalmta, and Druzhniy) serving as key objectives.

2. Mission

Conduct a major offensive to secure three villages (Yashkul', Yalmta, and Druzhniy) in northwest Chernarus, disrupting enemy capabilities and preventing future threats.

3. Execution

a. Initial Assault (Yashkul'):

Command Squad encountered heavy resistance from local levies, Wagner Group, and Russian Naval Infantry.
Task Force Commander and two others KIA during initial engagement.
3rd Squad secured the northeastern edge of the village.
Command Squad cleared the western side of the village.
Critical intel (documents and cell phone) recovered from eliminated enemy leadership.
Task Force repelled enemy counterattacks for 30 minutes, including forces from Spanish militia and Wagner Group.
3rd Squad remained in Yashkul' as the rest of the Task Force moved to Yalmta.
b. Assault on Yalmta:

Command Squad eliminated a forward element of Wagner Group.
2nd Squad faced heavy resistance and near annihilation.
Task Force forced to fall back due to intense enemy counterattacks from the north and northwest.
Tank support halted enemy advance from the west side.
Wagner Group attack from the northwest repelled.
Command Squad cleared Russian and Spanish militia from the monastery in northern Yalmta.
c. Assault on Druzhniy:

Infantry cleared the village up to the crossroads.
Operation called due to heavy casualties.
Task Force withdrew south back to Yalmta.
4. Sustainment

Replenishment of personnel at Yashkul' proved inadequate.
5. Casualties

Command Squad: 8 KIA
2nd Squad: 5 KIA
1 T-34 tank destroyed
2 MI-24 gunships destroyed
Enemy: (Estimated)
12 BMPs destroyed
5 MI-8 gunships destroyed
3 technicals destroyed
2 T-34 tanks destroyed
6. Analysis

The mission achieved partial success in securing the three villages. However, full control was not established in Druzhniy.
Enemy capabilities in the region were significantly degraded.
Heavy casualties highlight the need for improved reconnaissance and intelligence gathering to anticipate enemy strength and positions.
Reinforcements were insufficient to maintain momentum throughout the operation.
7. Recommendations

Increase emphasis on pre-mission reconnaissance and intelligence gathering to better understand enemy dispositions.
Re-evaluate reinforcement procedures to ensure adequate troop replacement during extended engagements.
Review casualty evacuation protocols to minimize losses.
8. Conclusion

Operation Secure Northwest Chernarus achieved a tactical victory by disrupting enemy operations in the region. However, strategic objectives of fully securing all three villages and preventing future threats remain incomplete. The significant losses sustained highlight the need for improved planning and execution strategies for future engagements.

This is based on the Arma 3 wargame. The voice is AI generated and represents no individual, living or dead. The text of the transcript, while AI generated, is based on data provided by the channel author.

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